Meeting times will be from 7pm to 9 pm unless otherwise specified. Except during explicitly stated times, parent meetings are for adults only. Exceptions can be made for nursing infants with thoughtful parents.
Membership - Download the form here
To become a member, we ask that you carefully read and sign the Membership Form and the Release of Liability Form and pay an annual fee. Membership is open to all homeschoolers who understand and willingly and voluntarily agree to support the purpose of CHECC: to encourage and support the private, Christian homeschooling community of Central Contra Costa County. Please make sure that all 3 pages of the Membership form are completed
Release of Liability Statement
Christian Home Educators of Central County (CHECC) is a group of Christian families who voluntarily choose to associate together. The leadership is made up of those who have volunteered to oversee the running of the group. All events are coordinated by parent volunteers. Participation in any event is strictly voluntary, with no family ever being required to attend any meeting or event. Neither CHECC, its leaders, nor any facility that CHECC rents for meetings, etc., is liable for any injuries or damages, whether connected with a group event or not.
Moreover, we acknowledge that as parents, we are responsible for the safety and behavior of our children and ourselves at all times. We acknowledge that the attitudes and actions of our family reflect upon the support group, upon home education at large, and upon the body of Christ. In accordance with Philippians 1:27, “…conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ,” we agree to accept the following behavioral guidelines:
At every event we will be responsible for our own children at all times. If you find it necessary to send your child to an event with another adult, it should be one who is comfortable enough with your child to correct her/him if necessary, and who has approval to authorize medical attention should it become necessary.
We will obey the instruction of our tour guide, field trip manager or event sponsor. We also agree to follow any additional rules requested from us by a facility being used for meeting activities or field trips. We will abide by the CHECC field trip policies.
We will take personal responsibility for our actions, the actions of our children and our guests who damage property or cause injury either willfully or through neglect.
By signing this form I am stating that I have read the Statement of Faith, the Release of Liability Statement, and the Field Trip Policy and will abide by the guidelines set forth.
Role & Responsibility of Individual Members
CHECC is a “cooperative support group,” and as such each member is a critical part. A substantial number of members take on leadership of specific areas as “coordinators.” Some of these include Park Day Coordinator, Library Coordinator, and Hostess Coordinator.
Other members provide short-term, yet still much-needed assistance, by working with various coordinators facilitating events such as a Christmas Festival or an End-of-the-Year Tea. These positions require less time, but really add to the fun and variety of our group. Moreover, “many hands make light work.”
Still, there are others, perhaps with a newborn, sick spouse, outside work on top of family and home schooling, etc., who cannot take on a particular title. This last group, as well as everyone else, however, is equally vital. Two of CHECC’s primary goals include support and encouragement of one another. Every CHECC member has the title of Supporter and Encourager! Has someone crossed your mind? Pray as the Spirit leads you that God would encourage/comfort/sustain that brother or sister in Christ! Fellowship with one another. Listen to someone. Mention a helpful resource (bearing in mind that God leads us in many varied directions, and no one way is right). Take a meal. Our God who is full of grace blesses both the encouraged and the encouragers. You are so important!
As homeschoolers and Christians, it seems that the general public watches and assesses us sometimes more so, and in a different way, than they do others from other walks of life. We very well may be the only Christians and/or homeschoolers they will ever come in close contact with, and they will certainly form an opinion of both.
Our conduct, parents’ and children’s, greatly affects our privileges as well as how many events CHECC will be able to offer. Thus, it is vital that we and our children represent Christianity and home-schooling in a positive light, conducting ourselves as God directs in His Word - the Bible. Let us bring glory and not dishonor to His great name.
Therefore, we acknowledge that as parents, we are responsible for the safety and behavior of ourselves and our children at all times. We acknowledge that the attitudes and actions of our family reflect upon the support group, upon home education at large, and upon the body of Christ. In accordance with Philippians 1:27 “…conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ,” we agree to accept the following behavioral guidelines:
Most field trips will be limited to 20 children maximum. This will ensure a good ratio for learning and questions, while allowing us to spread out the cost of the field trip. Field trip sign-ups will be available at monthly meetings and via the email loop, and are offered on a first-come, first-served basis.
CHECC is a not-for-profit organization. The annual membership fee covers our meetings, supplies, and liability insurance costs and such. Other operating expenses such as resource materials and special speakers are provided for by our annual fundraiser. Field trips, workshops, and various special activities are paid for directly by participating families. CHECC donates ten percent of its funds to Family Protection Ministries.
As a not-for-profit organization and as a Christian organization, it is critical that all financial transactions are not only appropriate, but also defensible and documented. There must be no room for concern from anyone inside or outside of CHECC. We take pride in accounting for every cent that comes through the group. We maintain an “open book” policy regarding our finances.
Everyone in CHECC benefits from each other’s contribution of time, materials and resources. However, when planning an event for the group some expenses can be reimbursed, provided there is prior approval from the CHECC Co-chairs. Please submit your request for pre-authorization to the CHECC co-chairs well in advance of incurring any expense or receiving any monies.
CHECC will not accept funds for an unauthorized activity, nor reimburse expenses for an unauthorized cost. If you are authorized to work through CHECC financially, only documented expenses will be reimbursed. Requests for reimbursement must be submitted promptly to the CHECC Treasurer within 30 days of your event.
Due to our charter to promote private, Christian home schooling, all leaders must home school privately (either through filing an R4 with the State Department of Education or through a private independent study program), must personally affirm each tenet of CHECC’s Statement of Faith without reservation, and must currently practice personal faith as God leads. Leaders must also be filled with grace and wisdom to allow each CHECC member to practice his own faith in good conscience and accept that God guides individuals in varying ways on varying paths.
CHECC has a moderated email loop as our forum for communication. All announcements are to be sent to All items should be home schooling and/or CHECC related, edifying and pleasing to the Lord. The moderator has full editing rights and reserves the right to decline posting a message. Please allow 1-3 day lag time for posting. It would be most helpful if you send information of your event in the following format:
> Name of event
> Where this will occur
> Location
> When this will occur: Date & Time
> Deadline, if any
> Contact Person
> Cost
> Then the body of the email
To help us deliver messages to your computer, please be sure that we have your correct email address. If you change email addresses during the year, please be sure to notify the email loop moderator at
The materials available will be out for people to look over and to check out if desired. Small items such as magazines will be left in folders but will be available for viewing. Each item will have a card for your name and phone number when it is checked out. Any material checked out should be returned at the next meeting. For materials not returned on time, a post card will be mailed out as a reminder. Remember that other people may be waiting to check out the item you have. Also, we have an inventory list and materials can be put on reserve upon request. Any material checked out should be returned to the librarian at the next meeting. You will be held responsible for any unreturned or damaged materials that you have signed out. Read Library Procedures HERE
** Field trips are for the children. We ask that parents do not ask questions during the tour, but rather that they are saved for a point in the tour where asking the question will not be disruptive. Adult questions frequently bore children and discourage them from asking their own questions. Adult questions also remove the tour guide’s focus from the children and place it on the parents.
Enjoy the field trip, your children, and the fun and fellowship of being with other home school families!
If your child/children are being disruptive, destructive and/or breaking any of the above rules, you have two choices: a) Take the child/children aside quietly and get control, or b) Leave the event.
Parents are responsible for the behavior of their children, especially pre-schoolers and toddlers. Unruly behavior spoils the field trip for all; however, tour guides often give us extra privileges when they see our group is well behaved.
Payment for field trips is required at the time of the sign-up. Do not sign up unless you are prepared to pay, as you may be bumped by a family on the waiting list who has already paid, and you will not be notified. The cost of field trips is not refundable. However, on your own you may arrange to transfer your payment to another family and collect your cost from them. If you do so, please let your field trip hostess know ahead of time so she can plan accordingly.
When field trips have an age limit, it must be strictly adhered to. Most of the time the limit is set by the tour guides. Occasionally, the Field Trip hostess may have a reason to set an age limit.
If the field trip is full, parents are encouraged to place their names on a waiting list. There may be space that opens up at the last minute or a parent may volunteer to arrange another tour date for those on the waiting list.
If, after signing up for a field trip you find that you are unable to attend, please call the field trip hostess as soon as possible so that she can notify someone on the waiting list.
Parental supervision on field trips is required. If the parent is unable to accompany her children, she must find another parent or adult to be responsible for her children. The safety of our children on these outings is our first priority.
Transportation to and from the field trip location is the responsibility of the parent. Car-pooling with other families is encouraged, but is not arranged by CHECC or the field trip hostess.
Children are expected to mind their manners and exhibit Jesus Christ in their behavior. Remind your children to raise their hands for questions and to respect the authority of the tour guides and adults in charge. We enjoy the comments we receive from our tour guides about how good our group is. What a great witness for home schooling!
At every event, we will be responsible for our own children. If we find it necessary to send our child to an event with another adult, it will be one who is comfortable enough with our child to correct him if necessary, and who has approval to authorize medical attention should it become necessary.
Please be respectful of authority figures. (I Peter 2:13-17 and Romans 13:1) We will obey the instruction of our tour guide, field trip manager, or event sponsor. We also agree to follow any additional rules requested from us by a facility being used for meetings, activities, or field trips.
Please be attentive, obedient, respectful, and courteous (in speech and actions). (James 3:13)
All children, please refrain from physical horseplay, running, throwing objects, etc. (Galatians 5:24; Romans 12:10; Ephesians 5:3)
Please refrain from doing, saying or having in your possession anything that may be offensive to others you are with or are visiting. Respect their property and feelings. (I Corinthians 8:9-13; Philippians 2:3-4; Romans 12:17b)
Children should be accompanied by an adult when using the restroom.
We will take personal responsibility for the actions of ourselves, our children, and our guests, who damage property or cause injury, whether deliberate or not.
NOTE: Parents MUST be in COMPLETE CONTROL of their children at ALL TIMES.